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AC3 Optimus

Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump

IABP Performance Evolved

Simply outstanding performance

For patients requiring mechanical cardiac support, the performance of your IABP can mean all the difference. With the onset of an elevated heart rate or arrhythmia, the patient’s survival can suddenly depend on the ability of the IABP to keep pace with the situation.

The AC3 Optimus Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump provides intra-beat inflation timing accuracy across a wide range of patient conditions — including those with severe arrhythmias. 1-2

Enhanced Value

Beyond its clinical value, the AC3 Optimus® IABP offers low cost of ownership. As budget pressures continue to grow, cost-effective
features like these become increasingly appealing:

  • Pneumatic drive system with no scheduled replacement parts
  • Low component replacement costs

Exceptional service

Teleflex is committed to providing attentive
and responsive support. In customer
surveys regarding Teleflex IABP service

97.5%* of surveyed customers said their
service representative was knowledgeable
about our products and services

95%* of surveyed customers were overall satisfied with their last interaction with their customer service representative

95%* of surveyed customers said they were likely to refer others to Teleflex

IntraBeat Timing:
An advanced solution for a growing problem

To address a growing population of arrhythmic patients3, the AC3 Optimus® IABP features IntraBeat Timing. It determines individual AV closure points to provide remarkable accuracy during IABP support, even in patients with severe arrhythmias.1,4,5

The AC3 Optimus® IABP can help your facility be better equipped for your current and future patient populations.

The problem: The arrhythmic patient

The challenge: In published literature, conventional timing only showed 4 out of 16 beats were accurately timed.5

The solution: IntraBeat Timing has shown 98.1% accurately timed beats in severe arrhythmia.1